From the first line drawn, to the last screw fixed, everything at Handcraft Furniture is hand made
This makes every piece we make unique.
Inspired by our suroundings, we at Handcraft Furniture always try to make new and original designs fit to your liking.
My name is Martijn Onink,
Born in Tilburg in 2004 and moved to the southern of Spain in 2016 when I was only 11 years old.
After living in Spain for a few years I suddenly came across some videos about wooden figures, jewellery and small boxes. I was so inspired by this that I wanted to try it myself. My first creations were wooden flowers, jewellery and small figures that I started making in early spring 2019. Since then, I have not let go of the passion for working with wood.
If you have any questions, ideas, or interest in our products, feel free to contact us and we will help you.